Bus Stop Boy is a fun, tongue-in-cheek tale of a young boy and his exploits in the City at night which comes accompanied by a comedic animated video created by Tine Kluth (Sean The Sheep). A gentle eeriness sets the scene of a cardboard London city before a sudden burst of energy from Luka's drums matches the youthful energy of Bus Stop Boy as we're introduced to our dissatisfied anti-hero. We follow Bus Stop Boy's drunken antics and even get a glimpse of how The Monday Project themselves would look in animated form. Dario - hitting near-impossible high notes much akin to Muse's Matt Bellamy - observes Bus Stop Boy's shenanigans with distorted, stop-start riffs transforming us into the drunken mind of Bus Stop Boy.
Chris Stagg delivers full-muscled guitar in his track Treading Water. The intro jumps straight into the roaring track with Stagg's gruff vocals delivering a heavy '70's rock influence with furious riffs of the chorus refusing to take prisoners. The motion of the bridge and pounding bassline creates a a full-frontal attack and despite the title of the track suggesting tranquility, it is anything but.
Bus Stop Boy shows us that rock n' roll doesn't have to take itself too seriously to deliver a strong track that will be spinning in your mind for rest of the day. Treading Water also excels in promising us pure, adrenaline-fueled potential from Chris Stagg.
You can listen to Treading Water here.
The Monday Project
Chris Stagg